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Thursday, May 31, 2012

PTU A Gothic Obsession forum set tutorial


Kit: The gorgeous PTU kit Gothic Obsessions by Crystal's Creations available at Artistic Reality Talent
Tube: Nana by Virgo available at Pics For Design
Template: Forum Set Template 1 by Me! available here!
Fonts: Angelic War or font of choice
Program of choice (this tutorial was written specifically for Photoshop users)

Don't forget to save frequently! *Note I didn't put how much I resized elements, since you might want to play with the sizes.

1. Open THD_ForumSetBanner template, change canvas size to 599w x 425h px (Alt+Ctrl+C).

2. Delete Info layer.

3. Select remaining layers and down slightly, your canvas should look like this (click to see larger image):

4. Open paper 1, resize to 600 x 600 px. Copy and paste to canvas above blue circle 2. Create clipping mask. (Right-click layer and select "Create Clipping Mask".)

5. Open tube, copy and paste to canvas above previous layer, position on the right side. Create clipping mask. Change blending mode to "Soft Light".

6. Duplicate layer and position on the left side. Flip Horizontally (Edit->Transform->Flip Horizontal). Create clipping mask.

7. Open gothic e24, copy and paste to canvas above Previous layer. Position on the left. Create clipping mask.

8. Duplicate layer and position on the right side. Create clipping mask.

9. On the right side, I placed these elements in this order and resized each as shown. Create clipping mask after each one:

gothic e40, duplicated once
gothic e34, duplicate and select "overlay" blend mode then merge down
Duplicate above layer 3 times
gothic e17, duplicated once
gothic e4
gothic e11
gothic e7, duplcate layer and select "Overlay" blend mode
gothic e9
gothic e40
gothic e27
gothic e35
gothic e28

10. When positioned as desired, merge the layers in step 9.

11. Open gothic e36, copy and paste to canvas. Create clipping mask.

12. Duplicate layer with cluster of elements, flip horizontally and position on the right side.

13. Change the color of the frames if desired. You can use a paper or flood fill a layer and create clipping mask, or you can use a color overlay (in the layer styles).

14. Open tube, resize so it fits canvas, no larger than 420 px in height. Copy and paste to canvas. Position as desired.

15. Add name. I used Angelic War 72 pt  black with 2px stroke #780000 (blend mode  of stroke set to "Hard Light").

16. Add drop shadow to layers if desired.

17. Add your watermark, save as .png and you are finished with the banner!

Avi (very easy once banner is completed)

1. Open THD_ForumSetAvi Template.

2. Select these layers from the banner: both background layers and one of the clusters.

3. With two background layers selected, resize to fit (Ctrl+T, lock aspect ratio and drag inwards at corner)

4. Select cluster layer and resize as shown (Click for larger view):

5. Open tube again resize as desired and copy and paste to canvas.

6. Make sure all above layers are below frame layers.

7. Add initial, I used Angelic War 85 pt  black with 2px stroke #780000.

8. Add your watermark, save as .png and you are finished with the avi!

*Note* I always save my tags as a .psd file in case I make mistakes and to offer to others.

Hope this tutorial was easy to follow, as always, feel free to use the tutorial as a reference and put your own spin to it. Would love to see any results, send to janey0531@gmail.com