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Sunday, July 1, 2012

PTU Let Freedom Ring forum set tutorial


Kit: The beautiful PTU kit Fun at the Beach by Amy Marie available at Artistic Reality Talent
Tube:  Made in USA by Ange 10 available at Artistic Reality Talent
Template: Forum Set Template 2 by Me! available here
Wordart: Let Freedom Ring from Patriotic Wordart set
Fonts: Freebooter Script or font of choice
Program of choice (this tutorial was written specifically for Photoshop users)

1. Open THD_ForumSetBanner template, change canvas size to 600 x 350 px (Alt+Ctrl+C).

2. Delete copyright layer.

3. Select remaining layers and move down until frames touch the bottom, your canvas should look like this:

4. Open pp1, resize to 600 x 600 px. Copy and paste to canvas above background layer. Create clipping mask. (Right-click layer and select "Create Clipping Mask".)

5. Open tube, resize as desired, copy and paste to canvas. Create clipping mask, change blend mode to "Overlay". Position on right side.

6. Duplicate layer (Ctrl+J). Move to left side.

7. Open A_LightHouse, resize 75%, copy and paste to canvas. Create clipping mask.

8. I placed these elements on the right side:

A_Fernleaves, resized 75%, duplicated once and flipped horizontally (Edit->Transform->Flip Horizontally)
A_Flower, resized 50%, rotated slightly
A_LifeAnc, resized 50%
A_Flower, resized 50%
A_Firework2, resized 15%
A_crate, resized 40%
A_BeachBall, resized 40%

9. Merge above layers. Duplicate layer, flip horizontally and position on the left side. Select both layers and create clipping mask.

10. Add name. I used Freebooter Script 55 pt color #181941 with 3px stroke #e40404.

11. Duplicate name layer and change stroke to 1px white.

12. Open wordart, resize 275 x 36. Copy and paste to canvas. Open blending options (Right-click and select "Blending Options") Select color overlay and change color to #181941. Select stroke, 3px #e40404.

13. Duplicate wordart layer and change stroke to 1px white.

14. Merge two layers of wordart.

15. Open tube, resize as desired. Copy and paste to canvas. Position slightly to the left of the middle.

16. Duplicate tube layer and drag above all other layers. Use eraser around the bottom so that tube appears to come out of frame.

17. Duplicate wordart layer and drag above tube layer. Position at bottom of tube.

18. Above frame bg layer, create new layer (Ctrl+N) flood fill with color #181941. Create clipping mask.

18. Open pp010, resize to 600 x 600. Copy and paste to canvas above inner background layer. Create clipping mask.

19. Open pp011, resize to 600 x 600. Copy and paste to canvas above outer background layer. Create clipping mask.

20. Duplicate layer, change blend mode to "Color Dodge". Create clipping mask.

21. Add drop shadow to layers if desired.

22. Add your watermark, save as .png and you are finished with the banner!

Avi (very easy once banner is completed)

1. Open THD_ForumSetAvi Template.

2. Select the following layers above background layer in the banner: paper layer and one of the cluster layers. Merge layers. Copy and paste to Avi above background layer.

3. Resize to fit (Ctrl+T, lock aspect ratio and drag inwards at corner)

4. Select tube layer in the banner. Copy and paste to Avi canvas.

5. Make sure all above layers are below frame layers.

6. Copy layer above frame bg layer of banner, copy and paste above frame bg layer of avi. Create clipping mask.

6. Do the same for inner background layers.

7. Do the same for outer background layers.

8. Add initial, I used Freebooter Script 72 pt color #181941 with 3px stroke #e40404.

9. Duplicate initial layer and change stroke to 1px white.

10. Add your watermark, save as .png and you are finished with the avi!

*Note* I always save my tags as a .psd file in case I make mistakes and to offer to others.